Good evening Root Down…
I hope everyone had a great weekend and was able to maybe get a few box steps in.
Reminder: Fees for November are due this week. Thank you!
I would like to let everyone know that we will be moving in a fresh direction. First, I would like to thank everyone for their patience throughout my recovery with self-led classes, etc. It is not the way I intend on leading everyone. In the next few weeks, we will be seeking assistance in leading classes.
Starting tomorrow, each class will be lead by either myself or Misty. 5:30am will continue being lead by Austin. I appreciate his and Beth’s leadership in this class during the last few months. We will be moving into a more structured class environment including coach led warmups, strength and MetCon (as usual), as well as a brief mobility session at end the class.
I am excited to start open gym time again on Saturdays, as well as a monthly complete mobility session and monthly nutrition workshop which will take place the first hour of open gym times once monthly for each. Please understand the lifespan of these will depend on athlete participation.
Also, all class times will remain as is.
Please note the “Zone 2 Training” offered M-Th at 5:30pm as well as “Latin Dance” offered T/Th at 7:30pm.
- 10 PVC Passthroughs
- PVC Samurai Stretch
- 10 Barbell Power Cleans
- 10 Barbell Front Squats
Squat Clean
“Elizabeth” (Modified)
- Squat Clean (115/85)
- Ring Dips/Box Dips (+9)
- Lacrosse ball trap/tricep roll-out
- Quad roll-out (roller)
Score will be heaviest squat clean set and total time in MetCon. See you tomorrow. DOWORK!