Good evening Root Down…Partner WOD on Deck!
12 Minute Free Warmup/Roll/Stretch/Mobilize
Partner WOD Friday
“Tunnel Vision”
Partner 1 begins, Partner 2 follows. But, cannot begin the next station until partner 1 completes the total reps at each Station…
- 30 Cal Row/25 Cal Bike
- 30 Pull-ups/35 Ring Rows
- 20 Box Walk Overs with Med Ball (20/14), (24,20)
- 20 Med Ball Cleans
- 30 SDLHP (44/35)
- 30 KB Snatches
- 20 Ring Dips/30 Box Dips
- 20 High Knee Tucks
- 50M Farmer’s Carry
- 2 Rope Climbs/6 Ground to Stand
Score will be total time recorded when partner 2 is complete. See you tomorrow! #DOWORK