HOME WOD 200429
Lt. Michael P. Murphy
Good evening all…still trusting you all are well. Been putting together plans for our “reopening” on May 4th and the safety steps that will be implemented at first. As most of you know on May 25 (Memorial Day), CrossFit gyms around the world perform the workout “Murph” in memory of Lt. Michael Murphy. Bearing any conflicts with health standards, we will do the same. During the day, we will do the workout, bring delicious Paleo meals to share and watch Lone Survivor projected onto the “Big White Wall”. So, in order to get an idea (prepare), here is tomorrow’s WOD…
Mini MURPH For Time
Run 800M
100 Push-ups
200 Air Squats
Run 800M
Post times to comments. Can’t wait to see you all.