Good evening Root Down…
What an amazing week!
“Partner MetCon Friday”
Tomorrow, we celebrate the belated birthday of Tony Eells. He turned a youthful 41 on Sunday, 8/14. Tony attends the 5:45 PM or sometimes the 6:30 PM class with his wife, Kristina and son, Llewyn.
15 Minute Free Warm-up/Stretch/Roll-out/Banded Mobility
For Time
“Partners to share work any way they choose”
Buy In: 81 AbMat Situps, Then
14 Rounds of…
- 41 Single Unders
- 14 Push-ups
- 8 Deadlifts (185/135)
Buy Out: 81 AbMat Situps
Score will be total time in MetCon. See you all tomorrow. DOWORK!