Good evening Root Down…
Great week this week! Each year on Memorial Day, we come together as a community and do a workout known a Murph to celebrate the life and sacrifice of Lt Michael Murphy and those who gave their lives for our freedoms…
For those of you wondering…”Murph”
For Time
Run 1 Mile, Then…
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Air Squats
Run 1 Mile
*20/10 lb. vests can be worn. Movements can be broken up into sets and can be modified….
Tomorrow, we will begin “Murph”-prep here at Root Down…
We will continue this each week in a variety of ways. So, the first Partner MetCon version…
15 Minute Free Warm-up
Partner MetCon Friday
“Murph Prep”
16 Minute AMRAP
Partner 1 holds a plate (45/35) in any manner while partner 2 completes…
- 100M Run
- 8 Pull-ups/Ring Rows
- 16 Push-ups
- 24 Air Squats
*Partners will switch once round is completed.
Score will be rounds plus reps. See you all tomorrow! DOWORK!