Happy 50th Ed “Running Man” Barnes!!!
Good evening Root Down! Two birthday MetCons in a row…tomorrow we will celebrate Ed Barnes 50th Birthday with a special Partner Friday MetCon.
15 Minute Free Class Warm-up/Roll-out/Banded Mobilization
“Happy 50th Ed”
Partners Share in Work for Time
Buy In: 1 Building Lap (~500M) or 500M Row
Then, FILTHY 50
- 50 Wall Balls
- 50 Box Jumps
- 50 Pull-ups/Ring Rows
- 50 Burpees
- 50 Lunge Steps
- 50 KB/DB Snatches
- 50 KB/DB Shoulder to Overhead
- 50 KB Swings
- 50 Med Ball Kayaks
- 50 Superman (because Ed is a Super Man)
Buy Out: 1 Building Lap (~500M) or 500M Row
Score will be time in MetCon. See you tomorrow! Happy Birthday Ed! DOWORK!