Happy 10th Birthday Mr. Lee Cavender….always one of our hardest working athletes. Keeps me on my toes with great questions and always a suggestion to ponder. And, one heck of a chess player!
Free Warm-up/Stretch/Bands/Roll-out
Partner MetCon Friday
“Free to Be Lee”
This will be a two part MetCon for the “2” in 2011 (Year Lee was born)
A. 10 Minute EMOM
Minute 1: Partner 1 Rows 11 Cal while Partner 2 does as many single under as possible during the row.
Minute 2: Partner 2 Rows 11 Cal while Partner 1 does as many single under as possible during the row.
This will continue for duration of EMOM. Score A will be total Single- Unders/Team
REST 5:00
B. 10 Minute AMRAP
- 10 Power Cleans (75/55)
- 10 Push Presses (75/55)
- 10 OTB Squats
- 10 Plate kayaks, feet off ground (35/25)
Score will be Singles-Unders in A and Rounds plus Reps in B. See you all tomorrow! DOWORK!