Congratulations to all my Root Down CrossFit Murph participants
Good evening all. I hope everyone had a nice long weekend and was hopefully able to enjoy some time with family. Want to thank and congratulate all who came out and completed the annual Murph challenge…hard work and a awesome fellowship.
Banded mobility/Hip Stretches
A. 5 Min AMRAP
-12 Cal Row
-8 Wall Balls (20/14)
Rest 2:30
B. 5 Min AMRAP
- 14 Kettlebell Snatches (35/25)
- 7 Box Jumps (24/20)
Rest 2:30
C. 5 Min AMRAP
- 20 Double Unders/60 Singles
- 15 AbMat Sit-ups
Score will be total rounds plus reps. See you tomorrow!