HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRANK! 68…Show us how it’s done!
2 lines of athletes, each athlete will take turns throwing the med ball across to each other, going down the line. Also using 3 balls of 3 different weights (10, 14, 20).
“The Frank” 9/30/52 – 68 years.
Only Cash In done with partner
Cash-in - Begin with a Partner on 68 wall ball situps (34 each).
9 pullups or ring rows
30 pushups
52 air squats
68 singles jump rope
9 cleans
30 jumping jacks
52 second plank hold
68 singles jump rope
9 burpees
30 single arm kettlebell Russian swings
52 second plank hold
68 singles jump rope
Score will be total time in MetCon. See you all tomorrow! #DOWORK