Good evening Root Down! What a great week it’s been. The community and hard work have been amazing! Thank you!
3:00 Double Under Practice
A - 3:00 AMRAP
- 7 Cal Row
- 7 Wall Balls (20/14)
Rest 1:30
B - 3:00 AMRAP
- 12 KB Swings (44/35)
- 12 Push-ups
Rest 1:30
C - 3:00 AMRAP
- 12 AbMat Situps
- 12 Double Unders/24 Singles
Rest 1:30
D - 3:00 AMRAP
- 7 Pull-ups
- 7 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (44/35)
Score will be rounds plus reps in ABC and D. See you tomorrow! DOWORK!