HOME WOD 200323
If you’re like me, these last few days have been a mix between moments of clarity and moments of somewhat uncertainty. I’ve been a little stir crazy and have probably covered a good mile or two pacing my living room. But, I have seen our community come together and try to do what we see as “right and responsible” for the moment.
Below is a workout you can do from home…nice and short…but will give you the opportunity to continue moving and hopefully project and keep your thoughts moving in a positive direction.
15 Min AMRAP
Score: Rounds + Reps
8 Modified Hand-stand Push-ups (see video)
8 Broad Jump Burpees (see video) -these can be modified by taking the broad jump out.
8 Body Weight Squats
24 Jumping Jacks
12 V-ups
Source: DailyBurn.com
Source: DailyBurn.com
Make sure you warm up accordingly
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Have fun! See you soon!