HOME WOD 040220

Morning Video chat with the man himself…Greg Glassman

Morning Video chat with the man himself…Greg Glassman

Good evening once again…as you can see, I had the pleasure of having a video conference this morning with Greg Glassman. For those of you who do not know Greg, he is the founder of CrossFit and does an amazing job communicating with affiliates helping each of us spread the word about functional fitness, healthier lifestyles and nutrition. We discussed the status of Crossfit boxes worldwide and what we can do to move forward positively. He wanted to speak with Root Down specifically since we are the newest affiliate in the world. As we have been mandated a statewide “shelter in place”, I am going to postpone our reopening one more week. Do at home WOD’s will keep coming….

Below is tomorrow’s Home WOD…

Fill a Gallon Jug with Water (should be approximately 8 lbs)…

15 Min AMRAP (As Many Rounds as Possible)

- 16 Single Arm Jug Swings (8 ea arm)

- 16 Jug Squats (Hold jug chest level like a goblet)

- Run 100m with Jug (Switch arms after 50 on your return)

Warm up accordingly. Post Rounds and Reps to Comments.

Continue moving and having fun!

Below is a workout you can do from home tomorrow.

Below is a WOD


HOME WOD 200403


HOME WOD 040120