Happy Birthday Kevin Croom!
Good evening Root Down! Ah, time to get back to work…thank goodness! I hope each of you are well, safe and ready to start 2021 with high self expectations and relentless drive to meet them!
Can’t think of a better way to reopen our gym than celebrating someone who has become as much a part of CrossFit as the barbells and kettlebells themselves….Kevin Croom! At 61 years young, he is a walking example of the benefits of exercise and what can be accomplished at any age.
Deadlift review/Starting position/Hamstring Recruitment/Shoulder Engagement
Empty Bar set of 10, Then,
“The KC Masterpiece”
Complete, For Time in any rep/set format*
- 60 Wall Balls (20/14)
- 60 Box Jumps (24/20)
- 60 Kettlebell Swings (44/35)
- 60 AbMat Situps
*Each time athlete breaks a set, 1 deadlift (225/185) must be performed.
Non Mandatory Mobility (Athlete’s Discretion)
Hamstring Roll-out/Banded Hip Rotation/Cobra Pose
Score will be Heaviest Set of 3 Deadlift and Total Time in MetCon. Can’t wait to see you all tomorrow! DOWORK!