Hello Root Down!
ANNOUNCEMENT: This Saturday, March 26th, we will be having a comprehensive foundations class for everyone. Root Down has been fortunate enough to gain some great new athletes to go along with our great existing athletes. So, I want to bring everyone together and talk about standards, foundational movements and skill among with baseline information like nutrition and wellness. Saturday 9 to 11…see you there!
15 Minute Free Warmup
“Partner MetCon Friday”
4 Rounds for Time
Partner 1 runs 200M, tags partner 2 upon return. Then, partner 2 runs 200M.
Then, partners share…
- 10 Burpees
- 20 KB/DB Snatch (44/35)
- 30 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
- 40 Goblet Squats
Score will be total time in MetCon. See you all tomorrow. DOWORK!