Good evening Root Down…
Reminding everyone we have a fresh stock of meals, beef jerkey and dehydrated fruit! Great for post-workout!
A. 5 Minute AMRAP
- 10 Cal Row
- 10 Over the Erg (Rower) Burpees
Rest 2:30
B. 5 Minute AMRAP
- 2 Rope Climbs/4 Ground to Stand
- 22 Mountain Climbers
Rest 2:30
C. 5 Minute AMRAP
- 12 Kettlebell Snatches (44/35)
- 16 Hanging High Knee Raises (Knees part 90˚, hips extended)
Score will be 3 parts (rounds plus reps for A,B and C). See you all tomorrow! DOWORK!