Let’s try our luck on Friday the 13th…
Good evening Root Down! Such an awesome week…hot but still awesome. Proud of all of you!
15 Minute Free Warm-up/Stretch/Roll-out/Banded Mobility
Partner MetCon Friday
“Roll the Die”
For Time…fours rounds must be completed as partners take turns working through the following movements by rolling the die to determine the number of repetitions…
- 100M Run x 1
- Pull Ups x 2/Ring Rows x 3
- Ring Dips x 2/Box Dips x 3
- KB/DB (44/35) Clean and Jerks x 3
- Toes to Bar x 2/AbMat Situps x 3
Score will be total time in MetCon. See you all tomorrow! DOWORK!