“Every morning in our lives, we have a choice to make. You have the choice to stay in bed and say ‘Forget it, I’m not going to work out today.’ or ‘Forget it, I’m not going to work hard today.’ That’s your choice that you make every single day of your life. Make the right decision.” David Goggins
Hello Root Down…
As we ramp up our work and movements, I have been impressed by our persistence as a community. This isn’t hard…but, it’s the path to better overall health and movement that we can carry with us in all of our daily walks.
Deadlift review/Hip Stretch
4 Rounds for Time
- 5 Sumo Deadlifts (205/155)*
- 7 Over the Bar Burpees
- 9 Chest to Bar Pull-ups**
- 11 Kettle Bell Swings (44/35)*
* Wt. can be modified.
** Scale will be 12 Pull-ups or 15 Ring Rows
Score will be Heaviest deadlift and total time in MetCon. See you all tomorrow. #DOWORK