Good evening Root Down…
What a great week it’s been. As a coach, it’s amazing to see athletes getting stronger, faster and healthier!
15 Minute Free Warm-up/Stretch/Roll-out
Partner MetCon Friday
For Time
Deadlift Hold/Row
Partners will load a bar with 75% of 1RM of deadlift.
P1: Begins rowing 2500 M
P2: Holds bar at deadlift top position
Once P2 drips the bar, partners will switch positions. This will continue until 2500M is reached in the rower.
P1: Begins jump roping 800 singles
P2: Holds plate (fully locked out) above head (35/25)
Once P2 lowers plate or bends at elbows, partners will switch positions. This will continue until 800 singles are reached.
Score will be total time in MetCon. See you all tomorrow! DOWORK!