Looking at opening day tomorrow at Root Down Crossfit, I want to extend my appreciation to all of those instrumental in putting in the work and effort to make it happen. As a former CrossFit gym owner in this community, I am also grateful to again have the opportunity to lead and coach each of you to a healthier lifestyle. Being a CrossFitter for close to 12 years, the very thing that has always impressed me the most has been the sense of community CrossFit lends to its participants. And, this new beginning has been nothing short of that very aspect.

LEFT TO RIGHT: Dana McFarland, Mitch McFarland, Bruce Russell, Austin Perry, Misty Williams, Shane Williams Photo by: Kevin Croom

LEFT TO RIGHT: Dana McFarland, Mitch McFarland, Bruce Russell, Austin Perry, Misty Williams, Shane Williams Photo by: Kevin Croom

Want to also mention those not pictured. Thank you Justin McCall and Andy McDonald. Also, thank you to those involved in getting the building “ready” for Root Down CrossFit…Frank Lastra, Richard Burch, and Steve Black. Community at the very “root” of it all…

See you tomorrow…check the website at www.rootdowncrossfit.com for pricing and class schedule.
