Hello Root Down…
Well, Friday already…let’s partner up!
Partner MetCon Friday
“Rower Roulette”
For Time and Reps
Round 1
P1: Rows 100M attempting to land on exactly 100M
P2: Performs # of burpess P1 landed over/under 100M
P2: Rows 100M attempting to land on exactly 100M
P1: Performs # of burpess P1 landed over/under 100M
Round 2
200M - Over-Under for P1 and P2
Round 3
300M - Over-Under for P1 and P2
Round 4
400M - Over-Under for P1 and P2
Round 5
500M - Over-Under for P1 and P2
Score will time in MetCon and number of burpees accumulated by P1 and P2. See you all tomorrow! DOWORK!