Friday the 13th…
Good evening Root Down…
It has been a great week! Like a good MetCon, let’s end it strong…
15 Minute Free Warm-up/Stretch/banded Mobility
“Partner MetCon Friday”
For Time
- 80 Wall Balls (20/14)
- 80 DB/KB Snatches (45/35)
- 80 Ring Rows
- Wall Sits
- Push-up Plank
- Bar hang
Partner 1 completes 40 reps before tagging partner 2 who takes over for the remainder of the 80 reps for each movement. While each partner is performing reps, other performs the hold. If hold is broken, both partners stop and perform 5 burpees each. Then, continues until their 40 reps are complete. This will continue through the movements until all movements are complete.
Easier than it sounds! See you all tomorrow! DOWORK!